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NPP, also known as Nandrolone, is a powerful anabolic steroid that is often used by athletes and bodybuilders in their off-seasons/bulking phases for its ability to promote muscle growth and enhance recovery. NPP works by increasing protein synthesis, inhibiting glucocorticoid hormones, and promoting the production of IGF-1, which is a key hormone for muscle growth. Additionally, NPP increases nitrogen retention, red blood cell count, collagen synthesis, and bone mineral content, making it an ideal option for off-season bulking. Nandrolone is known to be slightly more anabolic than Testosterone, and it also aromatizes at a slower rate, making it a longer-lasting anabolic steroid. The recovery benefits of Nandrolone are significant, making it a popular choice among athletes for its ability to promote muscle growth and improve recovery time.

Recommended Male Dosage: 150-300mg per week, based on user’s experience.

Recommended Female Dosage: 50-100mg per week, based on user’s experience.

Minimum/Maximum Cycle Length: 8-16 weeks

Ideal Cycle Length: 12 weeks

NPP 100

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